The Shower Stall

June 2000

We built ourselves a shower stall for those hot sweaty Arizona summer days. Deb's dad helped us. We dug holes and planted 4x4's and screwed 2x3's to them for a frame.

We bought a cobblestone form from Home Depot (Deb's favorite place to shop) and poured redi-mix to make a floor we can stand on in our bare wet feet. We stapled 6 mil black plastic to the framework and then screwed fence slats for the exterior walls.


Some day, we'll put a half roof on it, but for now we put 1 ceiling joist up to hang the water bags from.

Here's what it looks like from the inside. The sun heats up the water but the wind makes for a bit of a chilly shower.


Here's the homestead so far.
The 10 year plan is to build the house somewhere between the Shed and the Pumphouse.

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