The Cold

January 2001

We went up on a friday night. It was cold. Our propane heater worked overtime. We have found that it shuts off on its own after a few hours. We think it may not be getting enough oxygen. We have a small battery powered fan set up behind it and an open window behind that, but it still shuts off. I'm thinking it may be getting too much carbon monoxide settling there, so I might cut a vent whole at the bottom of the wall near that corner. Debby wants to get a pot bellied stove...

Woke up the next morning and checked the trees we planted in November. The ponderosa are thriving, but the cypress got some frost damage. Hopefully, they'll survive and come back over the summer.
Unfortunately, most of the concolor got eaten, probably by cows.

We found a broken pipe in the pumphouse. I had shut off the water and drained the pipes before we left, but the main tank valve had a slow leak that filled the pipes again. The valve will need to be replaced, so we will need to drain the tank to fix it.
In the mean time, I rigged up a sheet of plastic to route the water away from the pumphouse. I just hope the leak is slow enough not to saturate the ground under the tank and cause it to slide down the hill into the shower stall!

We brought up some cinder blocks I had used for shelves in the garage. I had gotten these with some bookshelves years ago from Charlie Roth when I had moved into a mobile home. We don't have room for the shelves in the garage with our new truck! Now they're steps to the pumphouse.
Not much else to do, but have a barbeque!


Woke up the next morning to a light snowfall.
Deb actually got to use her ice scraper!


The Thaw
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