Another Busted Pipe

April 2002

Yep, it happened again this year. I went and left water in the pipes in the winter. Notice it's the joints that broke.

I made a temporary patch - just to experiment.
I used a hacksaw to cut grooves in a piece of pvc to make it bendable. Then I glued it to the crack with tie-wrap and wrapped it in tape.
It drips a little but we can use it til we get some new parts.

My friend, Joe Frein, found this cover while walking his dog one day. He carried it 3 miles and lugged it to work to give it to us. Here it sits right over the end of our pipe system where we'll run a pipe to the cabin.

Our nephew, Joe, visited us and we put him to work! Deb bought some more baby trees to bury. We'll see if any of them survive.

While we were digging, we decided to dig a new hole for the toilet. We dug it as far down as we could swing the pick-axe.

And then we tested it to see how much crap it could hold.


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